Every Toronto PR expert will tell you reputation is one of the most valuable assets a business can have. Good public relations brings positive publicity and brand-building, while a negative issue not handled properly can have a devastating effect on your business.
Weighing in to provide a PR perspective on the Lisa LaFlamme controversy dominating the news, our Managing Partner, Jeff Lake, brilliantly summed it up in one sentence. Have a read!
It is undeniable that many of the same traits one acquires to make them a good communicator can also be applied to making your clients love you. Things like trust, respect and knowing who you are talking to are all ways to let your client know you’ve taken the time to get to know them, thus creating a positive relationship, something that is essential for several reasons including success!
Just like every other kind of shopping, finding a PR agency in Toronto, or anywhere else for that matter, is involved in very little actual searching, and a great deal of choosing and deciding.
Working with a professional Toronto PR agency can benefit your business and social outreach, but before you can obtain these benefits there is one challenge: finding the right agency that fits your needs.
As we all start to settle into what appears to be a new normal, it’s important as a brand to know how, and what, you should be communicating. By now it’s clear this is not the time to sit back. Showing up and being present is more important than ever before.
With so many businesses facing one of their greatest challenges to date, COVID-19 has forced everyone’s hand to make changes as quickly as possible in order to survive and thrive. Things will change and we’ve already started to see this. But, don’t let this pandemic break your spirit. Use this unprecedented time as an opportunity to reassess and reinvent yourself. Get creative. Try something new. You’ll come out stronger in the end if you do.
Misinformation can spread like wildfire without proper fact checking, especially in a time of panic. From conspiracy theories to just plan odd beliefs, COVID-19 has sparked the imagination of the world. Just as the outbreak began to spread with limited information on where it came from and what we could do to prevent it, so too did the theories of how it started.
Although social media is not a new tool for most brands, with the right strategy in place, and an influencer approach that takes into account consumer’s new spending and consumption habits, it can significantly grow a brand’s awareness, lead generation and sales.
The pandemic and its impact which includes significant economic consequences have led to an increase in anxiety throughout the globe. If you are sick of hearing about “how to make the most out of this difficult time”– you are not alone. There are ways to cope with this shared and collective stress;.
Trust is the most important cornerstone of any PR campaign. If a brand is not trusted, even a million-dollar PR campaign led by the most brilliant communications agency in Toronto will not yield results.
Media relationships remain an integral part of day-to-day work, and now more than ever, we need to ensure we are prioritizing local media.
As we slowly awaken from our Covid-enforced slumber from the world’s longest lockdown, we will be conducting business much differently than we did 17 months ago.
At first glance, working from home sounds awesome... you get to stay in your PJs all day, work from the comfort of your couch, and you don’t need to put on any makeup, unless you’re scheduled to be on a video chat. But, there are ways around that too, as technically only the top half of you needs to “get ready,” right?!